Optimeal: Diet for Healthy Development of Puppies and Kittens

Optimeal: Diet for Healthy Development of Puppies and Kittens

Optimeal: Diet for Healthy Development of Puppies and Kittens

Information on the project: feed for review

Optimeal is the super-premium food for cats and dog. The special formula of the food corresponds to the quality criteria of FEDIAF (European Pet Food Industry) and is exported to 26 countries all over the world.

The brand products are manufactured under the control of veterinarians using the technology of Swiss Pet Nutrition Group GmbH.

The unique formulation of the diets contains ImmunitySupportMix which was specifically developed by dieticians in order to strengthen the immunity of your pet. And fresh boneless meat, vegetables, healthy herbs, berries, natural antioxidants and prebiotics support long and healthy life of the animal.

Nutrition which is balanced according to the age requirements of puppies and kittens is a strong foundation of its health and long life.

When puppies and kittens stop consuming their mothers’ milk, their digestive system is not completely formed yet; therefore, food should be digested easily and contain substances strengthening their immune system.

The sight of kittens forms for comparatively long time; this is why they need correct balance of vitamins and minerals. And puppies grow and gain body weight quickly, so they need substances supporting skeleton development and providing large volume of high-quality protein.

Optimeal super-premium food supports kittens and puppies with required useful substances for them to become healthy cats and dogs.

Optimeal for kittens

·  Dry food with turkey for puppies of all breeds

·  Dry food with turkey for puppies of large breeds

Optimeal diets for juniors also satisfy their increased need for calories, because they spend a lot of energy for active games.

Both diets ensure formation of strong skeleton of puppies, improve their learning abilities and support their immunity. They protect the digestive system due to the optimal balance of Ca, P and vitamin D3. They contain 77% proteins of animal origin.

·  Dry food with chicken for kittens

Strengthens the immune system. Easily digested protein and prebiotics support digestion. Optimal balance of Ca, P and vitamin D3 ensures healthy growth. It contains 59.95% proteins of animal origin.  


Optimeal for kittens

·  Canned food with chicken for kittens

High content of purified water for the health of urinary track system. Fresh chicken meat supports kittens with high-quality easily digested protein ensuring healthy digestion. Contains 71% proteins of animal origin.

CTA: Register for testing Optimeal food for puppies and kittens and support your small animals with everything required for their healthy development and growth!


Ana Costache

Hrana sanatoasa, catel fericit!

Catelul a fost foarte incantat de gustul hranei, iar eu am fost foarte incantata de continutul ridicat de carne si de faptul ca contine spre deosebire de celelelate tipuri de hrana uscata si Complexul unic Immunity Support Mix combina componentele cu efecte imunostimulatoare, antioxidante si antiinflamatorii, necesar pentru sanatatea catelului. Ambalajul foarte practic.
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Ana-Maria Pirvu

Optimeal Dieta Echilibrata

Motanelul meu pur si simplu s-a indragostit de la prima limbuta, de aceasta mancare delicioasa pentru pisici cu Omega 3 si 6 si probiotice, pentru o pisicta sanatoasa din punct de vedere al imunitatii, al dinstisorilor si al blanitei recomand cu caldura Optimeal.
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Ana-Maria Pirvu

Mancarea ideala pentru pisici mofturoase si gurmande

Am fost foarte incantati de Optimeal, motanul meu care este foarte mofturos in ceea ce priveste mancarea de pisici, pe aceasta a primit-o cu foarte mare placere inca de la prima inghititura, nu s-a lasat pana nu a terminat tot pliculetul, i-a placut la nebunie, i-am dat in fiecare zi cate un pliculet umed si bobite, si pot sa spun ca am constat o foarte buna imbunatatire asupra blanitei lui care a devenit mult mai lucioasa, mai fina, mai sanatoasa, se vede aportul de vitamine din mancarica pe blanita lui, si este mult mai sanatos, el era un motanel mai bolnavior, deci cu siguranta a fost dragoste de la primul pliculet si vom ramane categoric la aceasta mancarica pentru pisici.
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Cățeluși OptiMeal toți crescuți

După aproape 2 săptămâni de la testarea hranei uscate, suntem super mulțumiți 😍 se vad rezultate excelente, cățeii au blăniță lucioasă fără miros neplăcut, dinți curați și o respirație curată, Fara mancarimi sau iritații ale pielii!
Cățeii mănâncă cu plăcere lăsând castroanele goale în urma lor!
ChIar sI ambalajul este super calitativ și la îndemâna datorată sistemului de închidere!
Recomand cu încredere in special cățeilor mofturoși, hrana de la OptiMeal este ideala pt prietenii noștri patrupezi ♥ ️ ♥ ️
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Optimeal- mancarica ideala pentru pisicute sanatoase !

Suntem foarte incantati de Optimeal, pisica mea a primit cu placere noua mancarica, desi ea nu se omora cu mancare de pisici, prefera tot mancarea noastra, acum insa Optimeal ii place mai mult decat orice ! O hrana pentru pisicute imbogatita cu Omega 3, 6 si probiotice, deci, o mancarica ideala pentru pisici sanatoase ! Recomand ! Sunt unii din "expertii "care participa la testarea hranei Optimeal , de fapt nu sunt eu , ci pisicuta mea, eu pot sa va spun doar ca, pisicuta mea mananca cu placere noua hrana Optimeal, nu se mai strica la stomac, tranzitul ei este normal, pisicuta este vioaie si jucausa, iar blanita ii straluceste . cred ca totul se datoreaza lui Optimeal care are hrana imbogatita cu Omega 3, 6 si Probiotice pentru pisicute !
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